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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Artist of the Week - Mario Mariotti

The post title link will take you to several images of the fantastic ingenuity of the late Mario Mariotti, an artist from Florence, Italy. Knowledge is so important, but creative thinking is invaluable in all walks of life. His work is evidence that there is creative potential in things that are common, everyday and right under our noses!


Anonymous said...

At first I didn't see that it was a rooster. The shape and colors looked familiar, but I couldn't make it out. The first thing that I looked at was the dot in the middle. Which I realize now that it is the focal point. Then I put it all together to notice the form of the rooster

Anonymous said...

when i looked at it i was really suprised. That a man is making this image of a roster by useing his hands. amanda n

katie h.8-1 said...

Haha... I love this one it is so cool! Two hands painted and looking like a chicken this art is amazing!

Anonymous said...

when i fist looked at it i thought it was real then i noticed the hands that made the shape of a rooster, i think thats realy cool.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this image was amazing. Strange -yes- but I did think it was quite ingenious. Especially the eye. I wonder how he did that...

Joy H. 1st Period.

draganakills said...

Wow. Very creative, to say the least. The eye is right in the center of everything. Kind of creepy o_O But maybe the artist intended that way...To just stare you down. A rooster.

Katherine Ward, 1st Period

Anonymous said...

I didnt know art with just hands could be extended to this level of creativity. I was fascinated when i saw this. This is by far my favorite.

Anonymous said...

i think its a great work of art, even if it with hands.
the way they put it together and painted the hands must have taken hard work
i definitely want to know where they got inspiration for it
i also wan to know how and where he put the eye

Anonymous said...

That is totally cool! I love the soccer one. I also love Ms. Miller's class!
PS I really like your website!

Anonymous said...

I must say that this was a bit creepy. I felt as if the eye were looking straight at ne abd I'm not too fond of birds. I want to know why the artist wanted to express his or her's art in such a way :)

Anna G., 2

Anonymous said...

This is really a weird way to look at art. Its really thought out and you could tell it takes an enormous amount of creativity to present this at such high perfection, but somehow the artist also manages to make it look quite simple. I really don't know if that made any sense but this is a very intriguing piece of art. Honestly the eye in the center is really freaking me out though....

Anonymous said...

I think that the use of his body for art is truly wonderful. The colors are vibrant and it's easy to notice what this is supposed to be. He did a great job impersonating a rooster with his hands.

Madeline Watkins, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

It seems like the artist transformed the art of "shadow puppets" and took it to a completely new level. The colors nearly put it into 3-d and totally disguise the fact that it's really a human beings hands!

kristen penner 1st period

Anonymous said...

This art piece is very intrecate. The white makes the reed and yellow stand out. It's amazing how he chosesuch an animal and made an art piece of of it by using his hands and paint. The artist is very talented. It's an awsome art piece. =]

Jeniz said...

This art piece is very intrecate. The white makes the reed and yellow stand out. It's amazing how he chosesuch an animal and made an art piece of of it by using his hands and paint. The artist is very talented. It's an awsome art piece. =]

Adrian B, 2 said...

I like the way the artist uses the vibrant color on his hands to make the rooster. This is my 2nd favorite posts, because my first is the "color" posts. Go check it out!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is my personality in a nutshell.
It takes the idea of human form to a whole new level! One has to admire the creativity of this artist. Often I wonder, how can one step back and see a rooster in the shape of another's hands. That is the talent of an artist - to see things for what they aren't, or perhaps for what they are.

Anonymous said...

I really love this art. It's extremely cool how many differnt things can be portrayed with your hands.