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Monday, November 19, 2007

DMA Visit & AP Art History Extra Credit!

LOVE the Dallas Museum of Art Late Night events! In AP Art History last Thursday, we took a glance at Indian miniature paintings, I donned a sari and we had an Indian Feast! Just the thing we all needed at the end of the six weeks. Domains of Wonder: Selected Masterworks of Indian Painting is opening at the DMA Nov. 18 runs until Jan. 27. Any of my students who visited the DMA Late Night Fri., Nov. 16 or who visit the exhibit can respond to this post (make it juicy!) and you will get extra credit!


Unknown said...

Mrs. Miller!

I had SO much fun on Friday night at Late Night. I arrived too late to get a henna tattoo across the street, BUT I got to see a few Indian dances. I wasn't able to see the Indian miniatures because I am not a member. I did look at the new contemporary exhibit "the world won't listen" which was so cool and fun. You should definitely check it out the next time you are there.

Anonymous said...

OMG I wish I could've seen the exhibit but the dancing was enough excitement. The dancers had on such beautiful outfits. I wish I had one of those. That was the first time ever that I saw an Indian dance up close. I didn't know that they were so LOUD because of the metally anklet they had on. I was also curious about the red mark on their feet but I think I've figure it out to be the henna tattoo??? I also walked around and saw some art works that are in our book from the later chapters. I saw this painted of "Cinderalla in the kitchen" and I loved it. Its so BEAUTIFUL. I couldn't stay really late, but I did have a good time. Kim

Anonymous said...

The coolest part of DMA late night last Friday had to be the Indian dances. They were amazing! The costumes were beautiful, with all these bright colors. There was this one dance where the dancers only moved their eyes in different directions, and I found that to be fascinating!

Also at the DMA, I looked at some Hindi art. It's really neat how the Hindi gods are depicted in such detail using a single piece of sandstone.

And Ms. Miller, you did an amazing job with Indian day!!! Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

I got there early enough to get a henna tatoo! My first ever and it was beautiful. Unfortuntely it has vanished over the break. I have always loved Indian culture so it was a real treat to see the dancers (made me think back to 9th grade tag trek when Sonal's sister Sneha taught us an Indian dance) and the Sitarist (my personal favorite part becuase the sound that comes from that instrument is just so... not western). I also went with Evie and saw the "World Won't Listen" exhibit which really was fun.

Anonymous said...

Gosh I didnt get there early enough to get a henna tattoo =|

The indian late night at the DMA was definately one of the greatest DMA trips i've ever attended. The indian dancers were sooooo gorgeous and were such great performers!!!!Shanet and I practically stayed for the entire presentation because it was so appealing to the eyes.[That and we couldnt view the contemporary exhibit because we werent members]

But since i couldnt view that exhibit i instead looked at the art pieces in the asian exhibit. I saw alot of hindi gods like Shiva and Vishnu. I must admit i was a little freaked out when i saw the frequent images of Shiva standing on babies. i was is anyone else slightly uncomfortable? haha xD

But then my friend John told me it symbolized fertility, divinity and rebirth and then everything made so much more sense.

Oh and i know you didnt tell us to pick a favorite piece of art but...i found one anyways! :D
I really liked Shiva Nataraja sculpture because it was the piece I spent the most time viewing. Its just so beautiful and it looks like its in motion ahhhh i love it!!!! xDDD

Anonymous said...

Like the others, the first thing that caught my eye was the Indian dancers. Their dresses, make-up, and hair styles were beautiful. I was really impressed with their facial expressions, especially the young one on the right with the pink dress(i don't know if you saw her but she was fun to watch). I was also surprised of the wide age range, some as young as nine or ten. Like in other cultures, the different dances represented various cultural ideas. I believe the one I watched was about purity or marriage(I can't quite remember). I also was amazed by how long each dance was(In between, when the girls paused, I noticed them breathing fast). In addition, one of the dominating beats was their feet. Throughout the dance, the girls created different rhythms by stomping with their heels. Afterwards, I went to the Indian exhibit with Alison. There were several sculptures of Hindu gods. The one I noticed was Vishnu. There was also another sculpture of a goddess, with a scorpion on her leg(I forgot what it represented). I really enjoyed Indian day and I hope I have another opportunity to study the culture and the art more closely.

I Love Indian Food!
Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Miller! Dma was crazy for me! I was in my element. I arrived about when the bharatnatyam(indian dance) was going on. For me honestly it wasn't as worldly (obviously) of an experience but seeing everyone else all hyped up and intrigued by something that was so familiar to me was great. I had a conversation with one of the security guards about indian art in the exhibit and it was awesome! He was so knowledgeable...I felt like an idiot! Definately wish we could have made it when you were there.

P.S. - Mrs. Miller, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your hardwork. You did an amazing job!!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this late night. The prevalence of music and dance afforded a connection to the Indian Culture that in turn enriched the feeling of the artwork and the overall experience greatly.

The Domains of Wonder Exhibit was really quite stunning. It was fascinating to me how much color the Indians have figured out how to put on a single page and how much attention was paid to detail. In the context of our Art History, I can't help but recalling the similarity of a particular piece I saw featuring a king/ruler hunting lions to the Assyrian lion hunting image on page 35 in our book.

As far as music is concerned, I swear Indian Music is hypnotic. The Classical Indian Music Circle was performing on the third floor in the Asian gallery. The group consisted of a violinist, a tabla player (drums), and what I believe was a sarod player. The sarod provided a light and airy din, which is somewhat difficult to describe, but it brings unity to the music. The melodies of the drums and violin were extremely rhythmic and repetitive. I often found myself staring at a particular object for minutes at a time. I am not sure how long I spent listening to this music in total, but it was probably close to half an hour.

I also found the combination of Indian instruments and music with jazz, which was going on at the Crow a peculiar twist to the evening.

On the whole, it was a quite enjoyable night!