Sorry, folks, if you are not familiar with our TAG environment, you might be scratching your head about this week's selection. Mr. Martin is our computer science teacher who likes to hassel me about art. The truth of the matter is that he has been in the closet about his true feelings about art. Look what the closet had hidden - a NEW (from Berkeley) tie-dye T-shirt that extends beyond the psychedelic into universal quantum vibrations! Woah, Mr. Martin - be still my beating heart - obviously color spins YOUR world just like MINE!
Toast. An interesting medium for the artwork of Lennie Payne from the UK. He's been working in this medium since 1996. How does he do it? He explains on this website that he has to flatten and dry out the bread first. Then he works with different tools like gas burners, knives, sandpaper, drills and paint. He seals it to preserve the work and keep it from being eaten by little critters (que horrible to invest in biodegradable art and have it nibbled away!). I do want to comment on the use of units that are assembled to make an overall art piece - I am personally attracted to this artistic device. What was the quantum leap that led Lennie to his artistic vision? First, you burn some toast. Thanks, Mr. Martin!